How to Build Trust with Your Market

build-trust-in-mktgIn order to build a solid business and sell your products and programs you need to establish trust with your target market. Companies with big Ad budgets do this through main stream advertising. But for the small business owner and solo-practitioner a grass-roots relationship marketing plan is more cost-effective. This kind of marketing also has great impact and is not to be discounted. 6 and 7 figure coaching practices are built on this foundation. So in this article, I will show you some practical tips to build trust and revenue by establishing trust.
Before I move on though, I feel the need to make a small disclaimer. Building trust is a matter of revealing your authentic self to your market. This article is not about showing you how to build trust as a way to fool prospective clients into working with you. But rather building a real relationship, showing off your expertise, being true about helping clients and the results you can help them achieve.

  1. Give value Always provide value through your content marketing efforts. Create a valuable free offer that can truly help your subscribers when they opt-in to your list to receive it. Follow up with great value through your regular ezine and articles.
  2. Provide social proof Gather testimonials from past and current clients and showcase them in your marketing. Building trust with a market that does not know you like your clients do, works well through testimonials.
  3. Be willing to open up a bit Share information about yourself in your marketing. It could be information through your story, personal experiences that led you to where you are right now. You can share pictures from attending events. Share pictures of your workspace. Share information about the book you’re writing or other upcoming projects. If extreme privacy is an issue for you, be selective. But just be willing to add a personal touch to your marketing. This really works with building trust, believe me.
  4. Incorporate interactive media in your marketing The easiest one here in my view is video. Video does volumes to create that “know-like-trust” factor with your market. It’s the next best thing to speaking from a stage. However, there are many to choose from these days. To name a few, Google Hangouts, Audio/Podcasts and Webinars/Teleseminars.
  5. Guest blog on authority websites or blogs This is also a great way to build trust. This positions you as an authority since it means that a well-known website allowed you to write an article for their audience.

So these are 5 simple ways to build trust with your market. Tell me, which ones are you using? What’s your favorite and what are some of the results you are experiencing? I would love it if you could comment below and share with me. Plus your comment could also help and inspire other small business owners and solo-practitioners who read this post.

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