How to Beat Procrastination and Get Stuff Done

1. Don’t delay your success! When you think about it, delaying on taking action on a task or project that will move your business forward, means delaying your success that much longer. I once heard someone say that “The speed of implementation determines the speed of success”. Reframe your mind to think of this, each time you want to procrastinate on taking action in your business.

2. Think of the people, prospective clients and followers who depend on your expertise. For some reason, when we procrastinate, we think that we are only letting ourselves down. However, if the work you are doing, impacts others and helps them, you are letting themselves down too. You have a gift, your expertise that people need and are willing to pay for. If you procrastinate in your delivery, you impact those who need you ‘like yesterday’. This has really come true for me as my outreach efforts have grown. I talk to people each week who can benefit from my services and this pushes me to deliver value and deliver ‘on time’.

I hope this helps!

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