Top things to do during and after attending a networking event

Networking is a powerful thing to incorporate in your regular marketing to grow your business. You should make it a priority to attend at least 1 event per week. Think of it as one of the fun aspects of growing your business. It’s a fun mixture of meeting new people, catching up with current … [Read more...]

A Simple Way to Maximize Your Connections

As a small business owner, you will find that a great deal of your new clients come into your business in various ways. Some may come in directly through a lead generation activity like an Advertisement. Some clients surprisingly come in through what may start out as a coincidental … [Read more...]

3 Offline Marketing Activities You Should Do Every Week

Offline marketing activities are essential to your business growth and should not be ignored. However, it is easy to get caught up in the details of running your business and neglect this essential way to promote your business. Here are 3 Offline Marketing Activities and suggestions on how to … [Read more...]