Where you can find me online

As a marketer, I am all in favor of visibility, especially online visibility.  However, I caution you as I do my clients that less is more and manageability is key.  So if you can only "manage" two online social media profiles, 1 blog and a video channel, that's fine.  The idea is to choose the ones that you can have the more fun with, the ones that can be used to promote you and your business and then "work it".  Some people sign up for everything and then they don't get enough time to stay visible on that platform.  That does your business and your followers a disservice.  The last thing you want is for a prospective client to start following you on Twitter and see that you have not posted anything there in a year.  They may feel that you are not relevant or up-to-date or that you do not interact much with your followers.  That in turn affects the KLT, Know-Like-Trust Factor.

So I am going to share my "hangout spots" where you can find me sharing and interacting with my community on a very regular basis.  I will also share what you can expect to find me doing at each "spot".  Here goes:

Stephanie Treasure FacebookMy Facebook Fan Page is the place where I like to connect with my community of like-minded business owners, coaches, consultants, solopreneurs and freelancers.  I often share links to articles that I have read on sites like Mashable.com, Entrepreneur.com, SmallBizTrends.com, Copyblogger.com and more marketing-related or business websites.  I share links to my latest blog posts and other popular posts from my blog.  I will stop in a share a picture quote.  Love doing this because as the saying goes, "A picture says a thousand words."  I share the occasional marketing tip.  Randomly I will ask a thought provoking question or just check in to see how your day is going.  So join me over there at https://www.facebook.com/StephanieTreasureBiz

My twitter profile is http://www.twitter.com/stephtreasure – I am very active on Twitter.  I share all my blog posts, quotes, tips.  You will also find me sharing blog posts from productivity bloggers as well as some top news stories.  I have a nice community of followers and often interact, RT and just tweet hello and words of encouragement from time to time.   I find Twitter to be a great starting point for connecting with people.  It could be someone influential in my business or the writer of a cool blog post I read.  It's very easy to start following that person and quickly mention that you enjoyed their article.   You can go a step further by adding them to one of your Twitter lists so you can stay up to date with their tweets and look for opportunities to interact.  Some great relationships get started this way.

Stephanie Treasure | Online Marketing Consultant | WordPress My YouTube Channel:  Videos Central of course.  I create my videos to connect with business owners who are looking for bite-sized marketing tips and occasional words of encouragement.  You can check them out here:  www.YouTube.com/StephanieTreasure.com  I love YouTube because Video is such a great way to get to know someone.  If you are in business for yourself this is a powerful tool to add to your marketing arsenal.

Stephanie TreasureI admit that I am still feeling my way around Pinterest.  However, you can check out my pins and follow me here:  http://pinterest.com/stephtreasure/

Stephanie Treasure BlogLast but not least, you can find me on my blog.  This is the hub for all my online properties.  This is where it happens mostly and at a deeper level.  I share marketing tips, resources, how-to's, upcoming events.  Business owners can take advantage of various upcoming do-it-yourself products and programs geared at helping you to grow your business, implement marketing systems and more.  So stop by and check it out for yourself at www.stephanietreasure.com

So, over to you.  Where do you "hang out" online?  I would love to hear.  Stop by my Facebook Fan Page and share your 'deets.  Here's the link:  https://www.facebook.com/StephanieTreasureBiz

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