Promote your Local Business Online and Pull in the Profits

A few of the biggest questions I get from local clients WITHOUT an Internet presence is “Do I really need a website?”

“I already advertise in the yellow pages, isn’t that enough?”

I wont go into my long answer. However, for the purpose of my readers with local businesses or WITHOUT an online presence, I decided to write this article.

Short answer though is: Yes, your local business should absolutely be promoting your local business online!

The hub for your online presence is a website.

Here are 6 compelling benefits to promoting your local business online:

1) Your ideal clients are looking for your business online Yes, that’s true. People look for solutions online more so now than the yellow pages. The web is not only accessible from your computer, but also from your phone and the various tablets and apps available now. It’s easier than looking around for the Giant Yellow Pages book and leafing through to find businesses. There is so much more that you can find out from or about a business online than you will ever find in the yellow pages. A well constructed website will not only have the company’s contact information, but also a detailed list of services, testimonials from past clients, frequently asked questions, rates in some cases and more. This allows for some amount of preselling even before your prospective client/customer makes the first contact.

2) Having a website amplifies your local, offline marketing efforts Depending on your mode of advertising – newspaper, radio, flyer – there is a shelf life. In some cases, like radio, there is a time constraint for your message. When you include your website address, you can continue your business promotion there.

3) A website never sleeps, never needs vacation days and never quits. A website allows you to constantly be available for prospective clients – even when the office is closed. Also, your website can be automated so that it can collect email addresses, email your newsletter, and alert your prospects to new offers and specials without you touching a button. A website allows you to work smarter not harder – the key to success in any business

4) Enhanced Image Having a website enhances your image. There is an air of professionalism that gets attached to your business once you have a professional looking, well constructed and organized website. This helps to put your prospective client or customer at ease. The selling conversation can tend to go smoother as a result.

5) Paves the way for expanding your business globally. Yes, your local prospective customers and clients can find you and with a website on the “World Wide Web” your potential global clients can find you also. Properly optimized for the search engines with the keywords that are right for your business will allow it to be found by prospective clients the world over.

6) Generate leads While working for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, your website can be the perfect lead generator. Those leads can lead to you landing some of your best clients. You are able to build a list, build a relationship and more from your website with the right marketing funnels and systems in place.

Have you recently established an online presence for your local business? Have you gained new clients or customers, partnerships and credibility from having an online presence? I would love to hear about it. Share with me in the comments below. I read every one!

Pay it forward & share:


  1. These are all great ideas!
    It’s GREAT that you’re highilighting these benefits of having
    an online presence, Stephanie. I think more entrepreneurs
    have to realize that just because they operate a ‘small business’,
    that doesn’t have to mean they have to think small. BIG THINKING
    means asking questions like: How can I reach MANY MORE clients?
    How can I make MUCH MORE money? How can I create and deliver
    MUCH MORE value to my customers and clients? One aspect of the
    answer to all these questions is as you’ve said – get an online presence.
    Thanks for continuing to share your valuable ideas and suggestions!

    Glenford Smith

  2. Stephanie Treasure says

    Thank you for your comment Glenford. You’re right. The sooner that small business owners start thinking beyond and seeking out more than just the status quo, the more successful they will be.

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