A quick and easy way to connect with Social Media Influencers (True Story)

social media influencersSo the other day I am browsing through the Twitter Stream of one of my lists. I saw a Tweet by a friend and follower sharing a blog post with an interesting title. I quickly clicked the link and decided to read it. I was so moved by the blog post. It shared a great tip that persons in my field (Online Marketing Coaching) could use.

I decided to leave a quick comment on the blog post and also noted that I wasn’t the only one. Quite a few marketers it seemed also thought it shared a great tip and resources. Then I looked around for a link to the writer’s Facebook Fan Page. Of course she had one. I clicked that and signed in to Facebook. Having my own Facebook Fan Page I decided to click the option that allows me to use Facebook “as” my Fanpage.

Once I navigated to the Facebook Fan Page of the writer of the blog post, I hit “Like” and proceeded to write a note in the status update box. I simply let her know that I found her article via twitter, I posted the link to the blog post I was referring to and then let her know that I left a comment.

Within minutes, she “Liked” my comment on her Facebook Fan Page, visited my Facebook Fan Page and “Liked” it and approved the comment on my blog. And of course, she left a comment below my status update on her Fan Page that she is happy that I found value in her blog post.

I share all of this to remind you of the great connections that can be made on social media. It also levels the playing field in terms of reaching out to the “Big Influencers” in the online and offline world. You can talk directly to celebrities via Twitter and Facebook these days. There was a time when it would have been very difficult to reach out and connect with a Celebrity or Influencer unless you were one yourself.

Since this is a marketing and business blog, let me sum it up in that respect:

  • Follow the Movers and Shakers in your industry on Social Media, read their blog and even subscribe to their newsletters
  • Actively comment on their blogs and be sure to add to the conversation and share tips related to the post
  • Retweet their posts, respond to their tweets on Twitter.
  • If you ever reach out to them via email for speaking requests like podcasts or online events, let them know that you are also @yourname from Twitter. They will remember.
  • When you see them at Industry Events, approach them and introduce yourself. Let them know your Twitter handle and say “why” you follow them and how you have benefited from their tips in their newsletters, blogs or even social media updates.

Follow these tips and you may find yourself building some amazing business relationships online and offline.

Let me know how you have connected with and/or got the attention of a Big Influencer online – Whether it was a Movie Celebrity or a “Big-Name” Coach, Consultant, Author or the like. Leave a comment in the box below. I love to read your thoughts. And if you are a small business owner, service professional or coach and you would like me to share the blog post with an amazing marketing resource, let me know and I will place it in the comments field.

Pay it forward & share:

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